Dehbid Spider Marble

:Product texture

:Product texture

:About this product

Dehbid Spider marble has a blackish burnt brown background with caramel veins in the form of spider webs in it . This stone is also known as black Dehbid . The beauty of this stone, in addition to its special background color, is also caused by golden spidery veins in it . Since dark colors are generally in warm colors category, this stone with its dark background color will give your place dazzle and a special warmth. One sort of Dehbid Spider Marble has very dark and black background, its pure with no veins

.This type of stone is processed and supplied under the name of Dehbid Agate Marble

.Other sorts of Dehbid Spider marble also have the same transparency and beauty; the only difference is that the background color is a little brighter or it has thicker veining

:Product sample

:Product feature

.The distinctive feature of this stone is its low water absorption and excellent abrasion tolerance. It is often processed as slabs and tiles
.It can be used in all internal parts of the building including the elevator frame, lobby wall of residential, commercial and departmental units, hotels, halls, stairs and paving edges of the internal spaces of the building

.It is not recommended to use it outdoors

:Product 3d sample